
Reach Greater Heights Through Our Flight Training Programs

Blue Sky Sport and Training provides a flying experience like no other. Whether you want to pursue a career in aviation or just want to start a new and exciting hobby, we have you covered.


Connect With Us

For more information about our flight training services, please reach out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you.


What We Offer

Light Sport Training

Become a certified sport pilot through our LSA program. Compared to completing a traditional private pilot license, you can finish our training within a shorter amount of time.

With help from our highly skilled instructor, you can enhance your piloting abilities and gain time that may be carried over to your FAA private pilot certification.

Tailwheel Training

Master the art of operating a taildragger today. We offer comprehensive tailwheel training lessons that can improve your flying skills and techniques. These include the following:

  • Slow Flight
  • Power-On and Power-Off Stalls
  • Steep Turns
  • Short Field Takeoffs and Landing
  • Soft Field Takeoffs and Landing
  • Power-Off Glide Landings
  • Crosswind Takeoff and Landing
  • Wheel Landings

Paramotor and Trike Training

In the summer of 2021, we will start offering PPG and Trike Flight instruction to interested clients.